Friday, March 27, 2015

6th Grade Art

Today is the last day of my 6th grade student teaching experience. The kids were so great! I am very proud of every single one of them. The lessons I was able to create and teach were one-point perspective, optical illusion paper weavings, and sewing creature toys. Here are only a few wonderful samples of some of the final projects. They are all so creative! My favorite lesson by far was toy making. The little creature/monster/adorable guys turned out amazing and some of the stories on the tags are hilarious.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Fat Printed Creatures

After years of drawing cartoons I kept being told that I would love printmaking because my graphic style lends well to the medium. Last semester I finally took a printmaking class and I must say, I loved it! Here are four prints from what I call my fat mythological creature series. First is a woodblock print, next is a linoleum print, and the last two are screen prints. Fun times were had by all.